World, As Seen from the most beautiful islands: Ireland and Cyprus

Afghanistan is a shame – but definitely not an unprecedented one


World leaders talk about frustration about the security situation in Afghanistan, even going so far as to blame British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and President Joe Biden.

Johnson said it was” fair to say that the withdrawal of the US troops decision accelerated matters, but it was a chronology of an event predicted in many ways” but stressed that Western leaders must work together to prevent Afghanistan from reproducing again.

“It doesn’t matter if the Taliban or anyone else – I think it’s important for the West to work together – nobody wants Afghanistan to become a breeding ground for terrorism again.

Comments are coming in the security context Afghanistan has rapidly deteriorated. Taliban launched an offensive that conquered large parts of the country. The group is now closed in the capital Kabul.

Biden responded by about 5,000 American troops back to help the Americans leave.

As the country’s condition continued to deteriorate, Johnson tried to exonerate his country from the blame for this situation, putting an end to Britain’s role in the conflict many years ago.

“I think we’ve known this for a while, and as I said before, this is a mission, its military component ended up in the UK in 2014. The most likely visit we’re facing right now is a new regime in Kabul We don’t know what kind of regime it will be, ” Johnson said.

Written by: Grace Kennedy

Grace Kennedy is a leading journalist, columnist of events in Ireland and beyond. 8 years in journalism, since she dropped out of university and ran away from home.

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World, As Seen from the most beautiful islands: Ireland and Cyprus

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